The VertiMax V8 platform can radically improve a player’s Vertical Jump, Game speed with or without a ball, and help them develop a level of Explosiveness that will transfer directly to the court through it’s multi-point leg and arm loading on-platform with up to 4 band multi-point off-platform speed training out to approximately 9 metres.
If you want to improve your vertical jump, your on court performance, your first step quickness and more, then incorporating a Vertimax in your training is something we strongly encourage.
Vertimax is trusted worldwide, and relied upon by leading NBA stars, collegiate teams and high school and youth basketball players.
Using a VertiMax Platform gives coaches and trainers the best chance to make the most significant gains in an athletes Jumping ability, Speed, Quickness and Explosiveness.
Members Price: $50 per session
Non-Members Price: $60 per session
We sure are! You can book in for all training programs whenever you want. For the training sessions, as these are run as a block, it is best to book in from the start.
Absolutely, the first step is always to take action! We have found through experience, that two sessions per week, to begin with, provide the most benefit to the athlete. Then we review and advise the best course of action based on the rate of learning and desired outcomes with each athlete.
Not necessarily, they should be close enough in age and skill level in order to make it beneficial for all athletes in the group.
As per our refund/cancellation policy, 24 hours notice is needed. Every client receives a text message 24 hours before their appointment, so simply text your trainer and let them know you can't make it.
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