Exclusive to Pride Performance – Invitation Only Event
Once a year we have renowned coach Coleman Ayers of By Any Means Basketball visiting Pride Performance. This is an exceptional event and one that should never be missed.
Coleman launched ‘By Any Means’ as a high schooler in 2015, with a mission to change the world of Basketball. The vision began with Coleman pioneering the Attention to Detail series on YouTube, while training local hoopers as a 16 year old. This has now grown into a global movement with a loyal following of over 500,000, as well as thousands of hoopers trained in-person at every level, from youth to NBA and in 20+ countries.
Colemans philosophy revolves around using a blend of artful creativity, with science and research-backed methods, to optimize the training of athletes. Skills training and performance are Colemans specialties, as well as nutrition, recovery and psychology components, which round out the process of engineering the complete Basketball player.
For almost 3 weeks in September every year, Coleman and the team make the 14,444 km journey down under to work with over 400 hoopers. Making stops in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and here at Pride Performance, he holds camps and coaches’ education clinics, to make even more steps closer to the ultimate goal of making an impact worldwide and spreading innovation and inspiration to new hoop cultures across the globe.
We sure are! Coleman Ayres visits our facility once a year around September time.
Your Program Fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
Pride Performance is not responsible if you are unable to make the camp/s once signed and paid for, unless 14 days notice is given prior to the event. You will be refunded the full amount less an administration fee of $55.00. No Fee Refund or any other compensation is payable by Pride Performance after that time. Pride Performance is not responsible if a camp and/or program you have signed up for and paid, is cancelled, abandoned or postponed due to covid, floods, bad weather or any other unforeseeable situations. Paid fees can be used for other services or refunded the full amount less an administration fee of $55.00.
Pride coaches will select which athletes they feel are strong and experienced enough to participate in this program.
All 'By Any Means' Camps are invitational ONLY.
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