As coaches, we are looking for players to meet certain skill requirements before signing up for classes in the next skill level. To make this process transparent and provide a self-assessment tool for players, we have listed the main criteria below as “Level-up Requirements”. While this list is not exhaustive, it provides the key skill targets our coaches are looking for before giving players the thumbs up to register for the next level of classes. Players can easily determine areas that still need improvement and dedicate more time to those areas outside of class to meet their goals sooner.
*Please note that some players may be in-between skill levels and able to register for classes in both skill levels until the lower level no longer serves their development. Ask your coach if you’re unsure.
Open classes are designed for top U18 players, QSL Youth, QSL and NBL1 players, so please check with your coaches to see if Open sessions are suitable for you. Open sessions require a high level of not only skill but IQ.
Many of our older, advanced “Pro” players will be eligible to participate in Open sessions as well. This call will be made by your coaches and you should discuss with them whether Open sessions will be appropriate. By and large, players must be at “Pro” Pride level and have completed at least one season of U16 Rep in a top team to be eligible for the Open classes.
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