Commitment to privacy
Privacy is very important to Pride Performance Pty Ltd. We are required to comply with the Federal Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles, and therefore our privacy policy applies to any personal information we collect, use or disclose, including the personal information of our employees and contractors.
How and why we collect personal information
We collect personal information in order to provide various services to our clients. With consent, we may also use personal information for related purposes including providing clients with updates on our products and services.
How we use and disclose personal information
We do not use or disclose personal information for any purpose that is unrelated to the services we provide and that you would not reasonably expect (except with client consent). We have a duty to maintain the confidentiality of our clients’ affairs, including personal information. Our duty of confidentiality to our clients applies, except where disclosure of personal information is consented to by the client or is compelled by law.
Client personal information may be disclosed to approved third parties who are also required to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles.
Security of your personal information
We endeavour to protect any personal information that we hold from misuse and/or loss, and to protect it from unauthorised access, modification and/or disclosure.
Contact us
If you want to gain access to your personal information, correct or update your personal details, register a complaint about a breach of your privacy, or you have any other query relating to our privacy policy, please contact us.
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